Let's Talk Business: Pueblo bus drivers transport world championship jump rope athletes

Tracy Harmon
Pueblo Chieftain
Student Transportation of America school bus driver Anthony Gervais of Pueblo poses for a picture with Team Taiwan during the International Jump Rope Union World Championships.

When school starts up in Pueblo this month, there will be a lot of stories circulating surrounding the question, "What did you do on your summer vacation?"

Some of the interesting tales will come from local school bus drivers with Student Transportation of America, the bus company that provides transportation for Pueblo School District 60, after 13 of its drivers helped shuttle athletes during the International Jump Rope Union world championship tournament in Colorado Springs July 16-23.

The event attracted more than 3,000 participants including more than 1,200 athletes from 30 countries. Student Transportation of America bus drivers assisted in transporting the athletes, coaches, trainers and judges from numerous Colorado Springs hotels to the event venue each morning and evening to ensure their timely arrival for the competition. The union showed its appreciation to the bus team by treating drivers to free entry during the championship finals.

Mark Hice, a Pueblo driver, said, “The athletes loved coming onto the buses. Some were even taking selfies because although they have buses in their countries, they had never seen some like our school buses.” 

Drivers helping out included Peter Wilson shuttling for Australia; Kris Stacks and Rosemary Celpo for Canada and USA; Anthony Gervais for Taiwan; Ben Martin for Korea; Isaac Salazar, Susie Gonzales, Dave Blackburn, Hice and Dennis Micheli for Hong Kong; Carla Rael for Germany; and Robert Gonzales and Jim Hutchins for China.

State education meet and greet is Aug. 9 in Pueblo

The Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce is set to host a Colorado Department of Education Meet & Greet event from 5-6 p.m., Aug. 9, at the Pueblo Convention Center, 320 Central Main St.

Colorado Commissioner of Education Susana Cordova and State Board of Education member Stephen Varela will be in attendance. For reservations, email

Make-A-Wish volunteers needed

Make-A-Wish Colorado is seeking Pueblo volunteers to help grant the wishes of eligible children. Volunteers are needed to serve as airport greeters, wish-granting workers, special event workers, fundraising helpers, office workers and speakers bureau helpers.

To learn more go to or contact Lisa Sweeney and

Nominations open for 'Coolest Thing Made in Colorado' contest

The Colorado Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for its second annual Coolest Thing Made in Colorado contest to celebrate the state’s vibrant manufacturing industry.

“The Coolest Thing contest presents an exceptional chance for manufacturers across Colorado’s diverse regions to put their best creations on display. We encourage nominations of local products from Pueblo to compete for the title of Coolest Thing Made in Colorado,” said Loren Furman, Colorado Chamber President and CEO.

The deadline to enter is Aug. 21. An independent panel of judges will review the nominations and select the top ten finalists in September.

The finalists will be honored at the Colorado Chamber’s annual meeting luncheon on Oct. 19. The inaugural contest launched last year with more than 130 nominations.

The top 10 finalists included makers of a portable shower, prosthetic fingers, vodka, handmade skis, beer darts and an ejection seat. The 2022 winner was the self-contained water purification system which SunSpring Hybrid manufactures in Rocky Ford.

Nominations can be submitted at

Latino Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony is Sept. 8 in Pueblo

The Latino Chamber of Commerce is set to host the 16th annual Latino Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sept. 8 at the Occhiato Ballroom, Colorado State University Pueblo, 2200 Bonforte Blvd.

Award recipients Sandy Gutierrez and Stephanie Garcia, both Pueblo natives, will be honored for their contributions to the chamber's mission and inspiring young Latino leaders. Cost is $50 per person and tickets are on sale at or call 719-542-5513.